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bAbB bCbD bEbF bGbH bIbJ bKbL bMbN bObP bQbR bSbT bUbV bWbX bYbZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
jaipur +building & man 34
building 3
jn ARMOR QUARTZ +building 2
k bombay special +building 33
kashmiri quiwam +building 34
kingston mild +building 34
kingston virginia +building 34
building 16
leakseal LS +building ribbo 2, 19
london GOLD +building & arc 32
lotus temple building 9, 16, 41, 45
m MIGLANI building nation 37
maa MANKAMNA +building 3
machine clean TAJ +building 30
maduri MEENAKSHI +building 3
maha MAKAAN +building 34
man building & ovals 5, 19
man & building 2
building 16
mashoor gajak +building 30
building 30
mittal's +building & tree 16, 36, 37
mother's kitchen +building 29, 30
building 36
mumbai SMILES +building 30
mysore GOLD +building 30
new WOKS +building 42
om +star & building 42
pan MAHAL gutkha +building 34
pizza pizza +building & ova 30, 42
prarthana mandir +building 3
public vigilance +building 45
puri RATH CHHAP +building 3
puthuppally pally +building 45
rajdhani +building & circle 30
rajmahal tea +building 30
rk MUSIUM BRAND +building 4
sarvashaktiman +building 19
seattle SONICS +building 9
shalimar +building & arc 36
shanghai tang +building sta 3, 14, 18, 25
shree DEVELOPERS +building 37
building 39
building 3
sri THAILA silks +building 24
sun & building 36
sun triangle building waves 39
super APEXCEM +building 2
super GOLD 786 +building 24
super KOHINOOR +building 30
super NATIONALCEM +building 2
super ROYAL CEM +building 2
swaminarayan +building 13, 18, 30
taj mahal building 30
tajmahal building 31
tajmahal building & circle 30
temple building 19
the world +building 36, 37, 41, 43
tree building & circle 35
v +building 9
villa VERCELLI +building 33
vina POMAL +building 33
vst CHARMINAR +building 31
xxx rum +building 33
buildings 9, 16, 18, 24, 25, 29, 30, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 42, 43
buildings & arcs 36
buildings & bird 36
buildings & birds 16, 36, 37, 38, 41
buildings & circle 2, 42
buildings & circles 16
buildings & cloud 9, 37, 39, 42
buildings & flower 42
buildings & horse carrage 32
buildings & lamps 37
buildings & oval 19, 33, 42
buildings & ovals 35
buildings & ship 1, 37, 40
buildings & square 12, 35, 36, 42, 45
buildings & sun 36, 37, 42
buildings & tower 29, 30, 31, 32, 42
buildings camera man square 41
buildings circle & oval 16
buildings oval & arrow 35
buildings sun & horse 37
buildings 16
20TH TELEVISION +buildings 9
2BHK.COM +buildings 42
3D DHAM +buildings & oval 42
4 ME +buildings & square 2
4 WALLS +buildings 36
81 REAL ESTATE +buildings 36
9 GREENS +globe & buildings 9
99 MY CITY +buildings & arc 36
A AAWAASS +buildings 37
A ADDIS +buildings 7, 19, 20, 35, 36, 37
A ADDOR +buildings triangle 6, 35, 37
A ADDOR +triangle buildings 19, 20
A TECHNO ARCY +buildings 36
A. DASS & CO. +buildings 36, 37
A. TECH +trees & buildings 11
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